The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Self-Directed Learning Readiness and Achievement
การศึกษาครั้งนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อทำความเข้าใจอิทธิพลของความฉลาดทางอารมณ์และความพร้อมในการเรียนรู้ด้วยตนเองที่มีต่อผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียนและอิทธิพลของความฉลาดทางอารมณ์ต่อความพร้อมในการเรียนรู้ด้วยตนเองของนักเรียนที่อยู่ใน อังการา
Koç, Serdar Engin 2019
International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, v6 n3 p672-688 2019
The aim of this study is to understand the influence of emotional intelligence and self-directed learning readiness on achievement and the influence of emotional intelligence on self-directed learning readiness of students who are in their first or second-year education in a private university in Ankara. The scales used are self-directed learning readiness scale and Schutte et al.'s (2001) emotional intelligence. SPSS version 20 is used by the researcher to carry out correlation and regression analysis to reach conclusions about the research questions. It is found that emotional intelligence and self-directed learning readiness are strongly correlated. Also, emotional intelligence predicts self-directed learning readiness with very little support from gender. However, there is no relation found between self-directed learning and GPA as well as emotional intelligence and GPA. Participants' being from different departments does not have an influence on GPA.
Descriptors: Emotional Intelligence, Readiness, Independent Study, Correlation, Academic Achievement, Predictor Variables, Gender Differences, Grade Point Average, Foreign Countries, College Students
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