Emotional Intelligence and Academic Success: A Conceptual Analysis for Educational Leaders
การวิเคราะแนวคิดของความฉลาดทางอารมณ์ ในการวิเคราะห์จะสังเกตได้ว่ามีเพียงความสนใจที่จำกัด ได้มุ่งเน้นที่ทักษะความฉลาดทางอารมณ์ของผู้บริหารโรงเรียน ดังนั้นควรตรวจสอบบทบาทของความฉลาดทางอารมณ์ในการปรับปรุงผลสัมฤทธิ์ของนักเรียน
Labby, Sandy; Lunenburg, Frederick C.; Slate, John R. 2012
Labby, Sandy; Lunenburg, Frederick C.; Slate, John R.
Labby, Sandy; Lunenburg, Frederick C.; Slate, John R. 2012
Labby, Sandy; Lunenburg, Frederick C.; Slate, John R.
International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, v7 n1 Spr 2012
In this review of the literature, we briefly examined the development of intelligence theories as they lead to the emergence of the concept of emotional intelligence(s). In our analysis, we noted that only limited attention had been focused on the emotional intelligence skills of school administrators. Accordingly, we examined the role of emotional intelligence in improving student achievement. Because principals as educational leaders are responsible for the successful operation of their respective schools, we contend it is important to examine the link between effective leadership skills and practices and student achievement. (Contains 2 footnotes.)
Descriptors: Emotional Intelligence, Academic Achievement, Theories, Intelligence, Principals, Leadership Effectiveness, Educational Improvement, Leadership, School Administration, Transformational Leadership
NCPEA Publications. Web site: http://www.ncpeapublications.org